Remember Subway's "five dollar footllong" promotion? I think (memory fuzzy) that I worked at a Subway when that was going on. If you were savvy (and poor), you could get 2 meals for $5.

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I'm not sure they ran that promotion here in DK, or if they did, it was before I made it here.

But food is food!

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I can see it! As they say, "When in Rome, get a five-dollar footlong."

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We did a whole series of these uber-ironic pics. I wonder how many folks took them literally!

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Truth in advertising. McDonald's just started offering a meal at that price in the U.S.- though not anywhere else yet.

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Yup, that's all part of my new focus on recent headlines in these cartoons for the time being.

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Looking forward to the next ones.

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Many of the ones from the last two weeks or so are based on news headlines. Let's see if there's enough in the headlines for more of them!

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What are they selling next door? Juice, Gucci or Quiche?

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Probably plastic "Rollox" watches.

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$5!!! Where?! I'm a junk food junky!!!

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Coming soon, to a Michelin star restaurant near you!

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