down in Mexico they sold machetes at the big market complete with swaggy leather scabbards. You could see dudes in the fields going to town on the agave plants with them. Really wanted one but seemed hard to get it home and I'm sure Id hurt myself
There's no sport or performative art that isn't instantly improved by machetes. Ballet? Check. Synchronized swimming? Double check! Machete-curling? Sign me up!
down in Mexico they sold machetes at the big market complete with swaggy leather scabbards. You could see dudes in the fields going to town on the agave plants with them. Really wanted one but seemed hard to get it home and I'm sure Id hurt myself
No problem getting it home, just tell the TSA it's for the upcoming Machessy Tournament.
Now, imagine if hockey was played with machetes!
There's no sport or performative art that isn't instantly improved by machetes. Ballet? Check. Synchronized swimming? Double check! Machete-curling? Sign me up!
Two words: machete chess.
"I don't think we sell any..."